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Adam Eddy – Let Your Eyes Adjust

Let Your Eyes Adjust is the first sculpture in our five-year plan to enhance public art in Skagaströnd. The traditional Icelandic turf house inspires this Camera Obscura and has been strategically positioned to capture the image of our mountain Spákonufell within the structure. Visitors are welcome to enter the sculpture, close the door, and allow their eyes to adjust, revealing the stunning scene displayed on the table in front of them.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to artist Adam Eddy for his problem-solving skills and unwavering dedication to the completion of this project. We would also like to thank Helgi from Fornverk for his expertise in all things turf and the municipality of Skagaströnd for coordinating the moving and placement of the artwork plus Samtök sveitarfélaga á Norðurlandi vestra (SSNV) for their generous funding, which made this project possible.