Adéla Valchařová lives in the Czech Republic. Last year, she graduated with a BA from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno and is now pursuing an MA in the painting studio at the same institution. In the spring of 2022, she completed an internship at the University of Art and Design in Cluj, Romania.
In her current work, she continuously explores landscape painting. She is interested in how the aesthetic perception of landscapes has evolved throughout history. She creates minimalist spaces that are defined by their silence, vastness, and remoteness.
Her inspiration comes from the aesthetics of sci-fi landscapes bearing traces of human presence, with an air of ambiguity about whether life and people are still there or not. Her paintings resemble distant worlds or post-apocalyptic scenery, where natural elements take on geometric precision. The color palette consists of muted, earthy tones, reinforcing a sense of melancholy and silence.
She first visited Iceland last summer, working on a farm. The Icelandic landscape, characterized by its empty expanses and towering mountains, captivated her so deeply that she wanted to return, immerse herself in its solitude, and focus on intense, concentrated painting during her stay in NES. You can see more of Adéla’s work on her instagram page https://www.instagram.com/adelvalcharova/