Anna von Borstel is a visual artist based in Krefeld, Germany. Her artistic work is about relationships, both with different people, as well as with her own self and her being in the world.
Her works, which tend to be reduced in color or monochrome, show individual human facial features, people in relationships, as well as impressions of nature that reveal feelings and relationships in a quiet and reserved manner.
So far, drawings, videos and woodcuts have been created, which are usually not printed on paper but shown as woodwork.
For some time now, Anna has focused on developing her own painting processes, primarily using oil paints and mixed media.
That’s why she has focused on painting in the first half of her stay at NES/ the artist residency in Iceland. She finds the themes in the wonderful surroundings of Skagaströnd, characterized by rocks and sea. You can find see more of Anna’s work at https://annavonborstel.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/avborstel/