Emma Garcia, Artz is a visual artist based in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is trained as a SRT healer/shaman. Her artistic work is about the healing properties of art. As a traveling artist she pursues the incorporation of new techniques to help her journey of self-discovery and the discovery of all beings in the world that assist with healing, She works to find meaning and deeper truths that unite us. Her works, which tend to be depictions of magical worlds and beings, show impressions of the magical often hidden to the untrained eye. She is currently a manager for Laguna Artz LLC and the executive director for D’Artz International.
Emma has focused on exploring and painting with acrylic and mixed media in the first half of her stay at NES- artist residency in Iceland. She finds the beauty in the wonderful surroundings of Skagaströnd a soothing experience of the soul. You can see more of Artz’s work at https://www.instagram.com/lagunaartz/. https://www.facebook.com/LagunaArtz