Kellyann Marie is a self-identified transient seeking a life in the in-between by creating pockets of home, through community, and through honoring the ephemera found there. By celebrating the second hand (second hand in that there is a proverbial hand to hold in objects from having been held), she works to connect life-art-home-godliness. Navigating a life spread from the Southern U.S to the jagged rocks on the island of Ktaqmkuk, Kellyann (named after her mother, and her mother in a generational line of mothers) embraces oversharing and honest tenderness to honor the matriarchy as divinity and making as an inherent prayer.
The resulting work is paintings layered with personal narrative, meeting functional objects glorious in their usefulness –always centering the mark of the hand (to be thankful to have hands and that they would be so sweet as to leave a kiss on everything they might touch).”