I have spent several years drawing realistic portraits and nature landscapes. A˛n initial stage of watercolors of buildings and historic cities, was followed by depictions of dancers. As always fascinated by the sea and the underwater animals, I painted the waves, the skies, the Mediterranean posidonias, … trying to reflect the sentiment of freedom and peace, mindfulness and connection with nature that I experiment: obsessed by the light and captivated by the liquidity and instantaneousness of the watercolour.
Many other more abstract-conceptual works and installations about climate change, renewable energy, scarcity of resources and the subconscious, the relation human/nature/ and the women perspective are presented in the last few years, after my stays in Madrid, Paris, Singapore, London, Luxembourg and Denmark. The plan is after a last stay in Tenerife, and Tarragona, head north close to the Artic in Iceland, and then arrive to Australia, in a long journey to explore the connections between humans and climate change, with the aim of closing the loop, linking places that have to do a lot with water and environment, a journey that started many years ago. I don´t pretend to copy or repeat the landscape (nature, environmental problems…) that I am seeing. I rather focus on a concept, idea, impression. More info can be found at http://mvmworks.weebly.com

During my stay in Iceland, I understood that outdoors painting was going to be a major source of my research, because if I am looking for connections and comprehend changes nothing better than to experiment first hand. I was trapped by the gigantic event of the volcano eruption.
Intrigued by other specific characteristerics of the Island, 6 series have been developed. And I have been investigating if/how climate change is affecting Icelandic horses. Is nature trying to say something to us? These beautiful horses seem to be the ultimate connection between humans and nature, wildlife.
Another series about the particular amazing colours of Iceland has been done. More info here: http://www.organicsarchitectures.com/ https://www.karolinafund.com/profile/view/135592