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Nora Fuchs is a German sculptor based in Berlin and Dortmund. She studied sculpture at the art academies in Braunschweig and Stuttgart. Her works are mainly three-dimensional and often site-specific. Since 2003 she has been a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund, where she teaches three-dimensional design and artistic strategies on the bachelor and master courses in scenography. She is active in a network for the improvement of art education at universities. She has participated in many solo and group exhibitions and has been working and curating at the art and culture association Alte Schule Baruth for 20 years. Her artistic work can be seen here:

"This is my fourth stay at Skagaströnd since 2018, each time has been very different, each time has been inspiring. I am currently working on the theme of tipping points. As a fragile state, the moment of breakable equilibrium leaves open what will happen. But what happens when the process tips over? Is it even possible to try to reverse a process? How do you deal with process artistically? How real or how abstract should the work be? How much beauty do I need, do people need? Is that the escape door? To get rid of this stupid feeling of being controlled by bureaucracy and AI-driven processes?

Having experienced sending my material from Germany to Iceland, I started working on Parcel Clearance as an example of how Post, AI, Customs and people get misunderstood. Printed out, the email correspondence is 11.22 metres long.“
