I live and work in Rostock / Germany. In my art, I deal with topics from natural history, in connection with the question of the relationship between humans and nature. Particularly under the aspect of the waste of resources and the destruction of our environment, I ask how nature and the organisms living in it change in the Anthropocene.

The starting point for my work often are things that I find and collect according to my inner compass. These can be remnants of civilization, washed up from the sea, or remnants from nature such as plants or bones. From this, I develop objects, often alienated with embroidery. I also quote nature in my drawings; people and animals often enter into a symbiosis here or I invent new fantastic beings.
I was hoping for finds from NES and the wild beaches of Iceland that would inspire me for new objects. I was excited to see the segments that the sea washed up. Instead, I found mountains of techno-fossils and plastic. Their sheer size surprised me. It contradicts the untouched landscape and the beauty of the mountains.
When hiking on lonely beaches, the landings of the Atlantic show the widespread human traces that cannot be overlooked. They cannot yet be detected in the geological rock strata, but for how much longer? In fact, I searched and found, but the landscape was so dominant that it played the main role in my work that was created here.
You can see more on Petra´s website http://www.petra-steeger.de/