Elisa Faires is from Asheville, North Carolina, United States and has been singing since she was eight years old. Her early beginnings were rooted in choral singing, and in college she studied opera and classical music as well as electronic music. In fact, one of her teachers was the great Dr. Robert Moog. After studying at the University she spent three years dedicated to her study and singing in Opera and began to pursue a career. As a reaction to her rigorous training in technique and repertoire, she began improvisation with others and started recording and performing her own experimental music.
Since then she has performed and recorded with several different projects such as Xambuca, with Meg Mulhearn in their collaborative project Spectral Habitat. Her other current projects are Night Wasp and Animal Moon Paw with friends Ivan Seng and Scott Gornick. She has been an educator in voice, piano, composition and electronic music for 29 years and has led many workshops in Vocal Training and exploratory classes in creative music, voice and sound over the years. She has been experimenting with vocals and harmonies using multi-tracking, loops, effects, modular synthesis and other electronics. She previously presented sound, video, a boating piece from various lakes such as Photosynthesis and another Dialoga Aquila for The Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center. Recently she performed with friends a durational installation from her residency at Revolve Gallery in Asheville entitled, Temple. She additionally composes music for Butoh and other forms of dance and performance art and for video and projections.
She is sharing her NES residency with her husband, Chandra Shukla from Xambuca. Together they are collecting field recordings, video, and recordings of singing in nature around Skagestrond and Iceland. Her work at this time is inspired by nature, mysticism, runes, shamanism and animism, Icelandic legends and folktales. She will incorporate into her music, songs and videos. Elisa and NES artist resident Sara Feldbloom hosted a live performance and Arts Happening at Skagastrond’s Sundlaugn swimming pool on August 20 where the other artist residents collaborated with arts and activities in and around the swimming pool. Elisa hosts an event at a swimming pool every year in Asheville called “Synth and Swim” where various electronic musicians and performance artists perform.