Born to a family of factory workers and raised in front of a television in Detroit, Michigan, Dupuy earned an associate degree, two simultaneous honors bachelor’s degrees, a Masters in Classical Liberal Arts at St. John’s College, and an MFA in Fiction at Washington University in St. Louis; since that time he has been teaching fiction and writing courses, first at Washington University in St. Louis and, most recently, in Astana, Kazakhstan, at Nazarbayev University, where he has developed over five new creative writing courses–the first ever offered in the country in English–and has been nominated for six teaching awards, winning one for Overall Teaching Excellence. He is the co-founder and the fiction editor for the multilingual literary journal Angime.
Dupuy’s fiction is heavily influenced by music, film, pop culture, television, commercials, his education in classics, philosophy, literature, and his time in the workforce as a dishwasher, Harley Davidson mechanic, golf caddie, bartender, film critic for public radio, journalist, DJ, and the four and a half years he served in the US Marine Corps infantry–traveling to over twenty-five countries, during which he was distinguished with the Marine’s highest non-combat award and a certificate of commendation for service.
His work has been published in Signal to Noise and The Santa Fe Reporter, and he has contributed writing to separate projects by local St. Louis artists Jose Garza, Michael Powell, and Serhii Chrucky. His novel in progress has been read publicly in four countries, awarded a $10,000 Seed Grant, two retreats at Breadloaf, and residencies at The Edward Albee Foundation and NES in Iceland, where he has spent the ninety days. During his residency he has completed a short story currently out for consideration titled “And the Night Turned In,” along with completing five chapters which conclude the first half of his novel in progress Ipsum Esse. His work and readings at NES has been invaluable, immersed in a community of like-minded passionate artists, beautiful landscape and solitude needed for continued progress.
You can follow and receive updates at: www.jcddupuy.com & https://www.instagram.com/jcddupuy